Essential Oils

Essential oils are liquid substances extracted from the leaves, stems, roots, and wood of plants, which may be aromatic or possess certain therapeutic properties.
Since antiquity, humans have maintained a special relationship with aromatic plants, using them to prepare remedies and perfumes. Historical figures, such as Cleopatra, were well aware of the healing power of plants and utilized their curative properties.
Scientists have once again turned their attention to plants in the hope of discovering cures for the many incurable diseases afflicting our society. It is now a scientific fact that essential oils can positively contribute to both our physical and emotional well-being.
These are some simple and basic applications for Essential oils:
Bath: Aromatic baths with essential oils are highly therapeutic, especially for bruising, muscular pains, fatigue, and stress. They are excellent for relieving everyday tensions, lifting your spirits, and promoting relaxation. Choose your favorite essential oil and add 3 to 6 drops to your bath, or 3 drops of each essential oil if you are using two. A simple and relaxing combination would be 3 drops of lavender and 3 drops of sandalwood. Since essential oils are not soluble in water, dissolve them in a little bit of milk before adding them to the bath.
Inhalation: This method is particularly effective for relieving cold, flu, and sinus symptoms. It is also useful for alleviating nervous tension and headaches. Place 2 to 4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil in a basin filled with hot (not boiling) water. Cover your head and the basin with a towel, then breathe in the vapors for 15 to 20 minutes.

Massage: Using essential oils in massage is very effective for relieving physical stress. Before applying any essential oil for massage, it should be diluted in a carrier oil (refer to Carrier Oils). Most essential oils should not be applied directly to the skin because, besides being toxic, they may cause allergies, skin burns, and nausea (see Precautions). Body massage with essential oils combines the benefits of a vigorous massage with the therapeutic properties of the essential oil itself. To prepare your own massage oil, mix 10 drops of essential oil with 20ml (2 teaspoons) of a carrier oil.
Compress: Aromatic compresses are highly effective in relieving pain and reducing inflammation. Cold water compresses are recommended for headaches, fever, inflammations, burns, and recent sprains. Warm or hot water compresses can alleviate menstrual pains, earaches, cysts, and are recommended for old bruises and muscular pain. To use this method, place a cloth or gauze with a blend of essential oil, carrier oil, and water on the affected area.

The information presented is purely informative and introductory.
Before starting any treatment, we strongly advise you to consult your doctor or a qualified practitioner.