Portuguese Chestnut Barrel

Chestnut, although high in tannin (a by-product of the wood which in proper amounts improves the taste and allows a red wine to age by gobbling up oxygen which would otherwise spoil the wine) is too porous and must be coated with paraffin to prevent direct contact with the wine. All our barrels are therefore already fully prepared for storing wine and this type of barrels is perfect for making wine and storing it, just not for the process of aging.
Wine stored in chestnut barrels tends to develop a more subtle, sweet flavor and for the first two years of use will slightly color white wine,...
399.00 €
499.00 €
699.00 €
1,199.00 €
Finest quality Portuguese Chestnut barrel.
1,299.00 €
1,499.00 €
1,999.00 €
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