Shipping Policy
Please read carefully our equipment's shipping policy.
While being packaged, all our products are submitted to a rigorous quality inspection in order to make sure everything is in proper conditions.
All our shipped orders are insured; however if something unfortunate happens, there are a few steps you must follow in order to help us make sure that the insurance can be activated.
When your package is being handed over to you by the package delivery driver, there are multiple situations that can happen, so you must be prepared to properly deal with them:
Situation A: The package looks somehow damaged or perforated.
What should I do in this situation? You must take pictures of the package. The shipping company should be informed on your side, so make sure to make a note on the shipment notice and guarantee that the package delivery driver has the situation noted as well.
Attention: Once you accept the damaged package you must save the package and all contents so we can open the claim. Throwing everything away will void warranty and it will be your own responsibility!

Situation B: The package looks good on the outside however, after signing the waybill and while in the presence of the courier, you open the package and verify if the internal content is not ok and you notice that one or more pieces are damaged due to rough handling during transportation.
What should I do in this situation? Make sure that you or the package delivery driver write in the waybill that there was damaged content inside due to rough handling during transportation. Keep the package until the claim is resolved. Next step, send us an e-mail with good quality pictures of the damaged content, and the package (outside and internal "peanuts" and wrapped pieces) so that we can activate the insurance.
In case the carrier agent refuses to wait for the customer to unpackage the goods, the customer should state on the waybill “Package and contents yet to be inspected”.
Attention: We will reject complaints without good quality pictures, which clearly highlight the defect of the item.

Situation C: The package appears to have been somehow violated.
What should I do in this situation? If there is a customs stamp on the package, it means that it was opened for inspection, which can sometimes occur. If there is no stamp on the package, it may have been opened during transportation. In both cases, after signing the waybill, and in the presence of the package delivery driver, you must open the package and verify if there are any pieces missing. If that's the case, accept the order but write in the air waybill "missing pieces due to package violation: piece x & piece y". Send us good quality pictures of the violated package, of the internal peanuts, and of the items you have received inside the box. Insurance will be activated and the missing items shipped to you.
In case the carrier agent refuses to wait for the customer to unpackage the goods, the customer should state on the waybill “Package and contents yet to be inspected”.
Attention: If you do not verify the internal content in the presence of the package delivery driver or won't write down the problems on the waybill, we will not be held responsible and the insurance will not be activated.