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Why use copper

Copper plays a significant role in improving public health. Its anti-pathogen properties help guard against infections in homes, workplaces, and hospitals. Copper tubing is widely used in plumbing because it helps preserve the purity of drinking water. Copper exhibits antimicrobial effects that can inhibit waterborne microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, algae, and infectious parasites in the drinking water supply.

Surfaces made from copper and brass, such as doorknobs and tabletops, can also reduce the spread of disease-carrying organisms. Using a copper surface when preparing food can help reduce the risk of microbial food poisoning.

Copper Tube

Recent research has established that the Escherichia coli O157 strain, an especially lethal variant of the E. coli bacterium, dies after just a few hours on a copper surface, even under dry conditions. However, this deadly bacterium can survive for over a month on stainless steel, a common surface material in food processing and the steam distillation of plants.

Likewise, hospitals and clinics have reduced the incidental transfer of microorganisms by employing copper-based antibacterial paint on walls and installing copper or brass doorknobs and fittings on doors. Copper is also utilized in the preparation of antibiotics to maintain their purity.


Why Use Copper in a still?

Pot stills are traditionally crafted from copper for several practical reasons:

  • Copper absorbs sulfur-containing compounds and yeast cells produced during fermentation, both of which are undesirable in the distilled spirit or essential oil. These compounds and cells emit odors, and copper helps maintain a sweet distillate.
  • Copper reduces bacterial contamination.
  • Copper boasts excellent heat transfer properties, beneficial for both heating and cooling vapors.
  • Copper prevents the production of ethylcarbamate, a toxic substance formed from cyanides (which are present in the stones of fruits).
  • Copper also enhances the quality of the final product. If the microbiological perfection of the mash is not ideal, copper can improve the aroma of the end product.

Copper has been used for constructing stills since ancient times. Over the course of time and with technological advancements, new materials such as stainless steel have been introduced. Nevertheless, in old Europe, there is no inclination to replace copper stills with other materials due to their durability and positive impact on the final results.


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