Kupfer-Destillierkolben mit Rotierender Säule Premium @ Tom and Ri, Zebreira, Portugal
Thank you, Mariana and Tom, from @torii.bytomandri for your kindness and feedback. We're proud to see our beautiful country being featured and we invite all our followers to take a look at their well elaborated and discriminated 5 steps "How do we make our Essential oils and Hydrosols?"
Tom and Ri
- Essential Oils and Hydrolats
- Wild Plants
- Distillation with Copper Alembic
- Zebreira, Portugal
» Kupfer-Destillierkolben mit Rotierender Säule Premium
» Ätherische Öle und Hydrosole Auf Der Ganzen Welt
We invite you all to enquiry about our equipments at info@copper-alembic.com
Aug 24, 2022
person Al-Ambiq© Iberian Coppers Lda