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Distilling Column Alembic Premium, Thermometer & Electric Plate @ Botanik Spirit School, Queensland, Australia

Premium Destillierkolben mit Säule (Thermometer, elektrische Platte) @ Botanik Spirit School, Queensland, Australien

Thank you Botanik Craft Spirit School for the trust in our alembics at your school, we are proud to be part of it!
Gin schools create an exciting, happy, and engaging environment for students to learn, to be part of this art and to increase curiosity which can result in many future craft distillers.

Happy distilling, everyone!

Botanik Spirit School

"Did you know in our Distiller Masterclass you get to choose your own favourite botanicals! Create your own exclusive Gin or Vodka to suit your EXACT tastes.
The best part... not only do you get to take home a gorgeous 500mL bottle of your own creation - we keep your recipe on file and can make it for you to order in the future. How amazing is that!"

» 2,5 L Premium Destillierkolben mit Säule (Thermometer, elektrische Platte)

» Gin-Schulen auf der ganzen Welt

We invite you all to enquiry about our equipments at info@copper-alembic.com

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