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Split Top Rotating Column Alembic Still Premium @ Sovereignty Herbs LLC, Ohio, USA

Kupfer-Destillierkolben mit Rotierender Säule Premium @ Sovereignty Herbs LLC, Ohio, USA

Thank you Erika from @themedicinegardener & @sovereigntyherbs for your kindness! It's a pleasure to share your beautiful pictures and experience with all our followers. An example to anyone looking for to use aromatherapy to create a peaceful, pleasant, and safe environment for everyone.

The Medicine Gardener

Sovereignty Herbs

"Erika is a Clinical Herbalist and an ITEC certified Clinical Aromatherapist consulting from Sovereignty Herbs in Athens & Columbus, OH. She holds a degree in Herbal Medicine from the University of Wales, Cardiff, UK and Scottish School of Herbal Medicine, Glasgow, UK. She is a professional member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (UK) and the American Herbalists Guild (USA). She is also a proud member of Pi Alpha Xi National Honor Society in Horticulture (USA)."

» Kupfer-Destillierkolben mit Rotierender Säule Premium

» Ätherische Öle und Hydrosole Auf Der Ganzen Welt

We invite you all to enquiry about our equipments at info@copper-alembic.com

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