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Split Top Rotating Column Alembic Still Premium @ Black Locust Gardens, Michigan, USA

Kupfer-Destillierkolben mit Rotierender Säule Premium @ Black Locust Gardens, Michigan, USA

Thank you Alex from Black Locust Gardens for sharing so many lovely media of your experience distilling essential oils and hydrosols. Sharing both European and US culture surrounding this craft allows such an unique view, we truly appreciate such an open mind embracing aromatherapy.

Black Locust Gardens

"From tea blends to tinctures and holistic skin care, we make a range of farm to bottle products for you to enjoy. We infuse our values and a piece of our land into each bottle. Our products are always made in small batches, are seasonal, and formulated from the plants we grow at Black Locust Gardens. Our goal is to capture the whole essence of the plant for you to experience. We honor the changing seasons, along with maintaining plant eco-systems. Because of that sometimes we sell out until habitats grow back, or the next harvest year. We ensure that all our products are unadulterated, made with no fillers, and are of the purest, most potent and vibrant plant ingredients. Only seconds are in-between hand harvesting a plant and then bottling. This makes a world of a difference in quality and effectiveness. You can truly see, smell, and taste the difference."

» Kupfer-Destillierkolben mit Rotierender Säule Premium

» Ätherische Öle und Hydrosole Auf Der Ganzen Welt

We invite you all to enquiry about our equipments at info@copper-alembic.com

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