Kupfer-Destillierkolben mit Rotierender Säule Premium @ TrzyRzedyLawendy, Polen
Thank you Bożena & Przemek TrzyRzedyLawendy from Poland. Your 3 rows of Lavender are so marvelous! It's a pleasure to see our copper craft embraced in such a beautiful presentation. We truly appreciate your kindness and kind words of support. We wish you much success surrounded by such a wonderful aroma!
Trzy Rzędy Lawendy
"The huge interest in the field surprised the people of Krosno. Their plantation has become a meeting place for people who want to talk not only about it. - Lavender has magic and attracts people with very positive energy. The atmosphere here is great. Everyone is happy and content," enthuses Bożena, for whom cultivating this plant is a hobby. - It's passion that makes you able to do really hard work with pleasure," she says, looking at her lavender field with a smile."
Read all about it (Polish) @krosno24
» Kupfer-Destillierkolben mit Rotierender Säule Premium
» Ätherische Öle und Hydrosole Auf Der Ganzen Welt
We invite you all to enquiry about our equipments at info@copper-alembic.com
Aug 26, 2021
person Al-Ambiq© Iberian Coppers Lda